Sunday, September 17, 2006

Weekly Synopsis

Sept 10 to 17 2006

Why don't you merge this blog with some other bigger biotech blog. Or even better make this a Colla Blog . This topic has immense potential and can be a rage with the biotech community. Mainly students, it can be a one stop shop for all their BT related needs!
Via e-mail.

The idea was to come up with a Biotech Collablog but maybe people are not interested in blogging or collaborating. It is seen as a frivolous activity done by people with a lot of time! I would love to share space on my blog with as many people as I can. That was the spirit with which I started blogging and called it an "initiative". Everyone is welcome to join the team.

Our education system is so outdated that harappa could be considered advanced. It eventually will be the stake that pierces the heart of the corporate oriented generic satan that presides over our existance.
Biotechnology as a field will be ruined due to lack of initiative and infrastructure. By the time we realise the importance of all round reforms it would be too late . This field cannot survive on its own. After all you cant make dough without water.

Very true, but I didn't quite get how our 'outdated' education will kill the corporate 'satan'. Are you saying we will produce such a high level of lowly incompetence that it would stifle the corporate structure?

And yes, it does take two to tango.

Nice blog. It is a wonderful idea.....I am a BT student too...your links were very helpful ...cuold you include more BT oriented search engines and applications like NCBI etc.
via e-mail

Glad to be of help. I will definitely try and include more sites like NCBI. Any site you want included in the list mail it to me.


Tuesday, September 12, 2006


publishing via email.
just checking its efficiency.


paradox paradigm


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Monday, September 11, 2006

Weekly synopsis of your views and comments!

4 Sept - 10 Sept 2006

I am anti-globalisation and anti-corporate so I am opposed to the inherent idea of your blog.
But I admit that your write up is relatively perceptive in content.
The inherent structure of biotech as a profession is to alter and eventually create imbalance in the basic systemic working of nature itself.
By directing resources towards an exaggerated source of so called deliverance, "the industry" and the government is courting obvious failure.


I think that anti-globalisation movement is probably an excellent example of globalisation. The fact that people from the developed countries care about the interests of third world countries with whom they have no direct connect in terms of cultural or civilizational history is inspiring.
I too am a non-conformist but instead of ignoring or outright denouncing a thought we loose an opportunity to understand it better. That is what this blog is about.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Weekly synopsis of your views and comments!

August 27 to September 3 2006

However, the vaccines recently produced by India as well as by China, are aimed at the CURRENT H5N1 STRAIN and will be of no help if the virus mutates in to a real human virus strain.

As you know, H5N1 is a Bird Flu virus, which is NOT supposed to be killing people.

The new vaccines could well help with the current H5N1 strain, but if the virus mutates in to a human virus, as it did back in 1918, the above mentioned vaccines will not provide any protection against the new strain.

In that case, these vaccines can only mislead every one in to a false sense of security, as well as resulting in a wastage of badly needed resources.

The-Best-Bird-Flu-Blogs team.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but the The-Best-Bird-Flu-Blogs team hates good news en only believes in doom. Anyone who is not a believer of the full doom-scenario receives a burst-your-bubble-warning.


Thank you for your burst-your-bubble-warning. Lighten up guys whats with the "full doom scenario". It is critical information, an aspect which had been left out by the general media.

...Why don't you post more often?...
via email.

Well buddy, journalism suffocates a person by occupying every trace of free time available. Hence, the latitude in posting.
Put your minimally affordable bandwidth where your mouth is mail me a write up about what you feel about the industry or academia. I presume you are from India too. So you must neccesarily have a lot of pent up angst!